
Viewing 1 - 8 out of 8 posts

What to Do after a Car Accident

Did you know that not all injuries resulting from an auto accident are immediately evident at the time of the accident? These are the injuries that are present, but simply Read More

Headaches after a Car Accident

Being in a car accident can cause more than just body aches and pains. Some people may suffer from headaches after an auto collision, even if they did not hit Read More

How Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Your Recurrent Headaches

Headaches are common. Due to tension or an infection or other outside causes, everyone has a headache at some point in their life. Headache pains are light to moderate unless it is a migraine, which is rare for most people.  However, recurrent headaches can be extremely annoying, painful, and even disabling. Sufferers may find it …

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The post How Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Your Recurrent Headaches appeared first on Apple Wellness Chiropractic Center.

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Five benefits of massage therapy

Massage therapy, typically offered in health clubs and spas, has now become mainstream. It’s now available by health institutions and chiropractors because of the many health benefits. Our wellness team highly recommends massage therapy for healing and well-being. There are several benefits that massage therapy offers, including some you may not expect: Eases pain. People …

Five benefits of massage therapy Read More »

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Seven Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions that Chiropractic Care Can Help

If your back is hurting, it is difficult to ignore it. It’s the proverbial “elephant in the room.” It affects everything that you do. The pain can be so severe, it makes it hard for you to do anything.  You may want to consider getting chiropractic care for your severe back pain. Chiropractic care, a …

Seven Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions that Chiropractic Care Can Help Read More »

The post Seven Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions that Chiropractic Care Can Help appeared first on Apple Wellness Chiropractic Center.

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Six Non-Medication Headache Treatments to Consider

Headaches, especially migraines, can be so unbearable that the sufferer will do almost anything to find a cure. Ironically, though many turn to prescription medication to soften or end the headaches, that is not always the best or most effective treatment to consider.  There are several holistic therapies for migraine headaches that are recommended and …

Six Non-Medication Headache Treatments to Consider Read More »

The post Six Non-Medication Headache Treatments to Consider appeared first on Apple Wellness Chiropractic Center.

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Welcome to our new website

Check out our new and improved website. We will have new articles on chiropractic wellness each month. Stay tuned!

The post Welcome to our new website appeared first on Apple Wellness Chiropractic Center.

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Seven Types of Headache Disorders

Everyone has had a headache in their lifetime. Any number of factors may have triggered it. A physical ailment or a hereditary condition may have caused it. The key is correctly diagnosing the reason(s) for the headache and treating it effectively to end it or lessen its effects on the body. There are several types …

Seven Types of Headache Disorders Read More »

The post Seven Types of Headache Disorders appeared first on Apple Wellness Chiropractic Center.

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Viewing 1 - 8 out of 8 posts

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